Before you continue, please understand that:
- This website is run by a private company. We have no connection to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or any other government agency.
- YOU must send your completed government forms directly to the USCIS or other government agency. We don’t do that for you.
- YOU must pay any required fees directly to the USCIS or other government agency. We don’t do that for you.
A Modern Immigration Solution
- Easy to Use Online Software
- Safe and Secure
- Thousands of Satisfied Customers
We provide online “do-it-yourself” software and access to services to help you complete the immigration application process on your own.
Get Started Today!
Popular Immigration Services
- Easy to Use Online Software
- Safe and Secure
- Thousands of Satisfied Customers
We provide online “do-it-yourself” software and access to services to help you complete the immigration application process on your own.
Get Started Today!
By the way, here’s something you should know before using our serviceIF YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED YET, WE ARE NOT A LAW FIRM AND ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. WE ARE A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE PROVIDING EASY, SELF HELP ONLINE IMMIGRATION SOLUTIONS. PURCHASE PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE GOVERNMENT FILING FEES. BLANK FORMS ARE AVAILABLE WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR FREE FROM THE USCIS. Our software was built by immigration professionals and currently used by immigration attorneys. We pride ourselves in running the latest technology to make the immigration application process easy and secure. Our teams spend hundreds of hours every week improving how our systems work to make your experience the best it can be on any device. CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS ARE NOT LAWYERS AND WILL ONLY ANSWER QUESTIONS REGARDING BILLING OR OUR SOFTWARE. We’re sure the USCIS tries really hard to make the immigration process easier for you, we’re just here to do it better. The choice is yours!
U.S. Citizenship
Permanent residents (Green Card holders) in the United States can apply for citizenship after meeting a few simple requirements. Form N-400 is the Application for Naturalization, another word for the citizenship process.
Green Card Renewal
Lost, stolen, damaged or mutilated permanent resident cards (Green Cards) can be replaced using Form I-90. This form is also used to renew Green Cards when they expire. Regular Green Cards expire after 10 years.
Sponsor Family for a Green Card
Citizens and permanent residents (Green Card holders) of the United States through the Family-based Green Card process. Eligible family members include spouses, parents, children and siblings.
U.S. Fiancé (K-1) Visa
The Fiancés of U.S. citizens can enter the United States to get married with K visas. After the wedding they can then apply for a U.S. Green Card and permanent residency.
Preparation Services Starting at $95
Form I-90Renew your Green CardStart ApplicationForm N-400 U.S. CitizenshipStart ApplicationForm I-131Travel DocumentStart ApplicationForm I-485Green Card Adjustment of StatusStart ApplicationForm N-565Replace U.S. Citizenship CertificateStart ApplicationForm N-600Certificate of CitizenshipStart ApplicationForm I-130Sponsor Family for a Green CardStart ApplicationForm I-765Application for Employment AuthorizationStart ApplicationForm I-539Change or Extend Nonimmigrant Visa StatusStart ApplicationForm I-751Remove Conditions on Marriage Green CardStart ApplicationForm I-824 Application for Action on an Approved Application or PetitionStart ApplicationForm I-129FPetition for Alien Fiancé(e)Start ApplicationHow Our Service Works
Step 1Prepare Your Application Online

Simply select and purchase your immigration form package. After that, you will be guided through a series of simple step-by-step questions. As you answer the questions, our proprietary form technology will be completing the forms for you in the background.
Step 2Print Your Personalized Filing Instructions and Official Government Forms
Once you’ve answered all of the questions, your completed forms and personalized filing instructions will be ready for you to download and print.
Step 3Just Sign and File

After you print your forms with filing instructions, just sign the forms where indicated, seal them in an envelope addressed to the U.S. government office provided for you along with the government filing fees, and wait until you are contacted by the U.S. government with your next steps.
Advantages of Preparing Your Application With Us
Services & Features | Our Site | U.S. Government Site |
Personalized Instructions | Yes | No |
Intelligent Do-It-Yourself Form Navigator | Yes | No |
24/7 Email Support | Yes | No |
Phone Support – Easily Speak with a Live Person | Yes | No |
Helpful Tips and Tools | Yes | No |
Free Qualifying Questionaire | Yes | No |
Professional Templates for Additional Information | Yes | No |